Exhibit Archive
Past Exhibitions at Worth Ryder Art Gallery (WRAG)
At the Worth Ryder Art Gallery, we present the work of students, as well as artists outside the UCB community. During the pandemic, students gallery interns curated many virtual exhibitions.
2021 WRAG Internship Curated Remote Exhibitions
Student curators enrolled in the Worth Ryder Art Gallery Student Internship Program have created a series of remote exhibitions featuring artists from our campus community and beyond. This project is the culmination of a semester’s study of remote exhibitions techniques.
The curators selected the artists, interviewed them to understand their practice and personal history, selected images of their artwork, identified the most appropriate display technique, and were responsible for all aspects of putting together the exhibitions.
The exhibitions are presented in different media and explore wide-ranging concepts. Virtual tours bring together artists who document the personal effects of the pandemic, who form communities of resistance in response to prejudice and anti-Asian violence, who have created interactive collaborative projects, and who explore the dual nature of the psyche through their work. Zines and catalogs explore artists’ responses to social distancing and isolation, grief and loss, migration and transnational identity, and the adornment of the body with tattoos. Curators have teamed up with The Future Histories Lab to present under-recognized histories of the Bay Area, and have explored new technologies to present art in unusual ways, including via telepresence robotics.
2020 WRAG Internship Curated Remote Exhibitions
Student curators enrolled in the Worth Ryder Art Gallery Student Internship Program have created a series of remote exhibitions featuring artists from our campus community and beyond. This project is the culmination of a semester’s study of remote exhibitions techniques, including 360 cameras, virtual exhibition spaces, self-publishing, and mail art.
The student curators selected the artists, identified the most appropriate display technique for their work, interviewed the artists to understand their practice and personal history, gathered and selected images of their artwork, and put together the exhibitions using the appropriate digital or physical tools.