UC Berkeley Art Practice
Department of Art Practice at UC Berkeley


Art Practice News Updates

Welcome MFA Class of 2024

The four new graduate students joining the UC Berkeley MFA program this year represent the brightest hopes for all that art can be. The first show this amazing cohort of creators will present at UC Berkeley is the MFA 1st Year show, opening at the Worth Ryder Gallery on January 25, 2023.

Anamaya Farthing-Kohl (Bolivia, 1988) is an artist who makes work in collaboration with the public, often asking for help in defining, circulating, or discovering her work. Her latest show “SKÄL /ɧɛːl/ for Weaving“ is up at Moore College.

Nivedita Madigubba was born in Guntur and raised in Hyderabad, India. She is currently working with a collective of seven transnational artists—named WE DA PEPO. Her work with the collaborative focuses on language, agency/authorship, history and examines the role of technology within these contexts.

Salimatu Amabebe is the founder of Black Feast Dinner, a creation of Black narrative, an offering to Black lineage, a culinary event that celebrates Black artists and writers through food.

Valencia James is a Barbadian freelance performer, maker and researcher interested in the intersection between dance, theatre, technology and activism. Valencia’s work explores remote interdisciplinary collaboration with creative technologists and how emerging technologies like machine learning and computer vision might enhance creativity in her contemporary dance practice and vice-versa.

Art Practice