“When Things Get Back to Normal” Catalog Now Available!
Alt Image Description: Cover of “Back to Normal” catalogue
Featuring the work of Erica Deeman, Edgar Fabián Frías, Kavena Hambira, Hala Kaddoura, Ahn Lee, and Rivka Louissaint.
The UC Berkeley Department of Art Practice MFA Class of 2022 has produced a catalog for the exhibition “When Things Get Back to Normal” (2021) at Worth Ryder Art Gallery. Each artist is featured in a beautiful four-page spread with images of the work created for the exhibition, as well as writing which elucidates their creative process, artistic concerns, and personal histories.
The catalog features an introductory essay by Professor Allan deSouza, Chair of the Department of Art Practice, which begins:
“When things get back to normal” is something we’ve been hearing a lot. We look forward to that return, to that normalcy, even as we know but don’t want to say in case we jinx it, that there is no return, that there is no normal. Or if ever there was a “normal,” it was and is increasingly one of climate catastrophe and climate refugees, the brutality of state policing, the redlining of housing and education, systemic racism, xenophobia in all its ugly, violent forms, the cultures of militarization and incarceration, the resurgences of white nationalism and supremacy (though they never went away), continuing genocide, the global rise of slavery … the charge-list of normality persists.
The catalog is available as a print-on-demand book from Lulu.com for $16.56, plus shipping*. Delivery may take 2-3 weeks. Order your copy:
Order Printed Catalog via Lulu.com
We are also pleased to offer a FREE download of the catalog in pdf format:
Download FREE Catalog pdf file
* Note: catalog is being sold “at cost” with no profit from sales.